45 Trophic Ecology II

Wednesday, September 15, 2010: 1:40 PM-4:20 PM
303 (Convention Center)
Owen T. Gorman, PhD
Feeding habits, monthly and ontogenetic diet shifts of hairtail, Trichiurus margarites (Pisces:Trichiuridae), in the Beibu Gulf of South China Sea (Withdrawn)
1:40 PM
Ecology of juvenile salmon in upland vs. lowland Alaskan streams: An assessment of food webs using stable isotope analysis
Megan N. Cookingham, Grand Valley State University; Jeffrey C. Davis, Aquatic Restoration and Research Institute; Eric B. Snyder, Grand Valley State University; Gay A. Davis, Aquatic Restoration and Research Institute
2:00 PM
A patch approach to understanding the effect of habitat degradation on food web and population structure of endemic fishes of the Colorado River basin
Timothy E. Walsworth, Utah State University; Phaedra Budy, PhD, Utah State University; Gary P. Thiede, Utah State University
Interspecific forage fish competition in a resource limited reservoir (Withdrawn)
2:40 PM
Trophic niche width collapse in coral reef-associated predators: An unforeseen consequence of fishing
Aleksandra Maljković, Simon Fraser University; Isabelle M. Côté, PhD, Simon Fraser University
3:00 PM
3:20 PM
Striped bass fatty acid signature incorporation: The effect of size
E.J. McGinley, West Virginia University; K.J. Hartman, Ph.D., West Virginia University; J. Jacobs, NOAA/NOS/NCCOS/Oxford Laboratory; J. Councilman, NOAA/NOS/NCCOS/Oxford Laboratory
3:40 PM
Dams, dredging, and darters: Effects of anthropogenic disturbances on fish assemblages
Jonathan A. Freedman, The Pennsylvania State University; Robert F. Carline, The Pennsylvania State University; Jay R. Stauffer Jr., Penn State University
4:00 PM
Fish assemblage structure, trophic ecology, and potential effects of invading Asian carp in Missouri River tributaries, South Dakota
Cari-Ann Hayer, South Dakota State University; Brian D.S. Graeb, PhD, South Dakota State University; Katie Bertrand, PhD, South Dakota State University
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