Student colloquium

Thursday, September 16, 2010: 8:40 AM-12:00 PM
316 (Convention Center)
Keeping with the annual meeting theme of "Merging our deeper currents," the Student Subsection's Student Colloquium will examine the foundations, development, and current paradigms of fisheries science. Fisheries science is a young science relative to physical sciences, but has undergone significant changes in philosophies and paradigms. Understanding the foundation and changes of fisheries as a science provides context for a broader understanding of fisheries by students. We will have several talks focusing on the history of fisheries science and ongoing changes in fisheries management, research, and agencies. The final presentation will be a "merging" the ideas of management, research, and agencies. All three groups are trying to attain the same goal but often have different views and ideas on the best way to meet the goals. This colloquium will help inform the next generation of fisheries professionals work together towards the goal instead of working as groups trying to reach the same goal. Note to organizers- I submitted this as a symposium as per Dr. Pat Mazik's instructions to get it into the mix. Please note that this is for students and so it should not overlap with the best student presentations symposium.
Michael Colvin
Michael Colvin
8:40 AM
History of fisheries science
Christine Moffitt, PhD, University of Idaho
9:00 AM
Fisheries management: A biased look backward - a myopic look forward
Fred Harris, NC Wildlife Resources Commission, Retired
9:20 AM
Northeast Division perspective
John Arway, PA Fish and Boat Commission
9:40 AM
Southern Division perspective
Fred Janssen, Technoleros
10:00 AM
10:20 AM
North Central Division perspective
Joseph Larscheid, N/A
10:40 AM
Western Division perspective
Dirk Miller, N/A
11:00 AM
Summary and future directions
David W. Willis, PhD, South Dakota State University
See more of: Symposium Submissions