Th-4,5-23 Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Progam - Competitive and National Programs
BIG, CVA, and NCWCG are competitive programs that provide matching grants to the States, the District of Columbia, Commonwealths and territories of the United States. BIG awards about $12 million annually for transient nontrailerable recreational boating facilities. CVA awards about $12 million annually for recreational pumpout facilities, floating restrooms, and program education. NCWCG awards about $17 million annually for the conservation, restoration, and management of coastal wetland ecosystems.
MSCGP awards up to $6 million annually for priority projects of the State fish and wildlife agencies. The Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and the Service cooperatively administer MSCGP.
The Survey has been conducted about every five years since 1955. It provides the only comprehensive statistical data available on participation and expenditures for hunting, fishing and wildlife-watching in all 50 States.