W-14-19 Fishers & Farmers Partnership: Focusing on the Future

Wednesday, August 22, 2012: 1:45 PM
Meeting Room 14 (RiverCentre)
Heidi Keuler , NFHAP Fishers & Farmers Partnership, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service - La Crosse FWCO, Onalaska, WI
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service contracted Downstream Strategies, a GIS based consulting firm, to conduct habitat condition assessments for the Fishers & Farmers Partnership for the Upper Mississippi River Basin and five other Midwestern National Fish Habitat Partnerships.  Downstream Strategies provided fish habitat and human stressor information for 1:100k catchments, as well as a GIS decision support tool.  Fishers & Farmers hopes to use this information for strategic habitat conservation which may include decisions on potential streams to protect or restore, ranking aquatic habitat projects, ideas for best management practices to use, and watershed management assistance.