W-D-27 Calculating and Increasing Portfolio Diversity for Native Trout Conservation
approaches to population protection are more likely to succeed during a future where global
warming drives rapid environmental change and increases uncertainty of future conditions. We
describe how the concept of a diverse management portfolio can be applied to native trout
conservation by increasing Representation (protecting/restoring diversity), Resilience (having
sufficiently large populations and intact habitats to facilitate recovery from rapid environmental
change), and Redundancy (saving enough different populations so that some can be lost without
jeopardizing the species). Saving diversity for native trout requires the conservation of
genetically pure populations, the protection and restoration of life history diversity, and the
protection of populations across the historical range. Protecting larger, stronghold populations is
important because such populations will have a better chance of surviving future disturbances,
including those associated with climate change. The long-term persistence of populations is
likely to require management for larger population sizes and habitat patches than currently exist
for many native trout populations. Redundancy among these elements is important given that
many populations are small, occupy reduced habitat in fragmented stream systems, and therefore
are increasingly vulnerable to extirpation. Application of the concept is further described in case
studies of Yellowstone cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarkii bouvieri and Rio Grande cutthroat
trout O. c. virginalis, two subspecies that illustrate many of the management challenges common
to western native trout.