Th-2,3-10 No Consensus, but Lots of Collaboration - Part of a Process to Complete a Chicago Area Waterways Separation Report
Early on, the GLC/CI recognized the need to bring as many of the interested and effected parties to the table to allow for input and critique of the study as it moved forward. An Advisory Committee (AC) composed of a diverse group of stakeholders were invited, including tour and taxi boat operators, barge and shipping industry representatives, environmental and commerce groups, city and municipal representatives, and regional special interest groups. A Resource Group (RG) composed of governmental and quasigovernmental entities representatives including US Environmental Protection Agency, US Army Corps of Engineers, US Coast Guard, US Fish and Wildlife Service and US Geological Survey were also invited for their input and review. Four meetings were convened during the study to provide guidance and input at critical points and to enhance transparency during the study process. At the beginning of each AC meeting It was pointed out that consensus was not expected, but critical review and comment was.