W-15-17 Overview of Habitat Conservation Accomplishments for Fisheries - Could We Achieve Even Better Outcomes with Habitat Conservation Objectives?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012: 1:15 PM
Meeting Room 15 (RiverCentre)
Karen Abrams , Office of Habitat Conservation, NOAA Fisheries, Silver Spring, MD
Since the 1996 essential fish habitat (EFH) provisions of the MSA were established, NOAA Fisheries and the Federal Fisheries Management Councils have been required to identify, describe, and protect essential habitats for managed fish. We have made great strides in satisfying these requirements over the last 15 years.  Councils have amended fishery management plans to identify and describe EFH for approximately 1,000 species.  Councils have protected over 900 million acres of EFH from fishing impacts, and NOAA Fisheries staff conducts approximately 3,000 consultations per year with other Federal agencies that results in 15 to 20 thousand acres of habitat being protected per year.  And yet, it remains difficult to show the value of that work back to the fishery.  Part II of this symposium will explore the development of Council/NOAA Fisheries habitat conservation objectives as a tool to more effectively achieve desired fisheries outcomes and to make better use of habitat science and authorities under the Magnuson Act.  We will hear about different approaches for setting habitat objectives for fisheries and discuss options for applying those approaches in the context of the Magnuson Act.