P-162 Free Real-Time and Historical Data of Juvenile Salmonid Monitoring in California's Northern Central Valley

Monday, August 20, 2012
Exhibition Hall (RiverCentre)
Felipe Carrillo , Department of the Interior, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Red Bluff, CA
Abstract.- The Red Bluff Fish and Wildlife Office has built a website with links to up-to-date real time data from the Main-stem juvenile Chinook salmon monitoring program.Our program has been monitoring four different runs of juvenile Chinook salmon and one run of steelhead since 1994. For the last  8 years, we have been producing bi-weekly reports with real time summarized and standardized data and storing them in the Interagency Ecological program central database in Sacramento California. Recently, this data warehouse was shot down due to lack of funds and support from the state of California. Also, the interagency data sharing effort lost support and funding and only worked as envisioned for water quality data not fishery data. Data is primarily for water operations managers to know the real time status and trends in juvenile threatened and endangered fish species migrations and abundance levels. All the historical data was transferred to our local website and is now available to anyone interested in the northern California central valley and other scientists across the country. This is an open-access data resource freely available.  This poster will present more information about our monitoring program and will explain how to get access to our tabular and graphically displayed data.