Biology and Control of Invasive Fishes: Lessons Across Species and Regions - Part 2
Thursday, August 23, 2012: 8:00 AM-5:15 PM
Ballroom B (RiverCentre)
Invasive fishes are rapidly becoming a primary challenge to fisheries managers worldwide. There does not seem to be any watershed or ecosystem that is not seriously threatened. The taxonomic variety of fishes that are invasive, the damage they cause, and reasons for their invasiveness are also extraordinarily diverse. Yet, common lessons can be drawn from different species and situations about how to study and control these species. This symposium seeks to identify these lessons by examining species from across the world (ex. Sea lamprey, common carp, Asian carp, brown trout, smallmouth bass, etc.), locales (Great Lakes, Mississippi basin, Australia, Japan, etc.) and approaches to control (ex. toxins, behavioral barrier, predators, integrated control) in new and integrative manners. A broad range of integrative ideas and approaches are solicited. Sub-symposia on special issues such as Asian carp are possible.
Peter W. Sorensen
Przemyslaw G. Bajer
A Novel Wetland Carp Harvesting System to Target and Harvest Migrating Carp (Withdrawn)
8:15 AM
8:45 AM
Evidence for Shifts in Growth and Development of Channel Catfish� in Response to Removal Efforts in the San Juan River, New Mexico (Withdrawn)
9:45 AM
Thursday AM Break
Using Otolith Chemistry to Identify Source, Introduction Timing, and Important Natal Habitats for Invasive Fishes (Withdrawn)
11:00 AM
11:15 AM
11:30 AM
11:45 AM
12:00 PM
Thursday Lunch
1:30 PM
1:45 PM
2:00 PM
2:45 PM
3:00 PM
Thursday PM Break
3:30 PM
4:30 PM
4:45 PM
5:00 PM
5:15 PM
Poster P-66 Potential Bioacoustic Control for the Round Goby, Neogobius Melanostomus . E. Cordo and A. Mensinger
5:15 PM
Poster P-67 A Novel Approach to a Growing Problem: Induced Nest Failure as a Method for Controlling Invasive Bass . G. Loppnow, B. J. Shuter, and P. Venturelli
5:15 PM
Poster P-68 Lakes Prone to Winter Hypoxia in Interconnected Systems Function as Nurseries for Invasive Common Carp . J. Koch, J. Osborne, and P. W. Sorensen
5:15 PM
Poster P-69 Developing a Management Plan for Invasive Common Carp in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, a Key Stopover for Waterfowl in the Pacific Flyway and Unique High Desert Ecosystem . L. Beck and T. Bodeen
5:15 PM
Poster P-70 Nutritional Composition and Use of Common Carp Muscle in Yellow Perch Diets . T. Schaeffer, M. J. Hennen, M. Brown, and K. Rosentrater
5:15 PM
Poster P-71 Factors Influencing First Year Growth and Recruitment of Common Carp Across Eastern South Dakota . M. Weber and M. Brown
5:15 PM
Poster P-72 The Use of Chemical Stimuli in the Control of Asian Carp . R. D. Calfee, E. E. Little, H. Puglis, E. Beahan, H. Lim, and P. W. Sorensen
See more of: Symposium Proposals