Collaboration Through Fisheries Networks: Restoration of Sturgeon and Paddlefish Populations - Part 2

Wednesday, August 22, 2012: 8:00 AM-5:15 PM
Meeting Room 4,5 (RiverCentre)
Description: At present all 9 species of sturgeon and one species of paddlefish found in the U.S. are in some degree of conservation jeopardy, with some facing a high risk of extinction.  As such, great effort and resources are devoted at the federal, state and or local levels to protect and recover these species.  Through our symposium, we will examine the application of sturgeon and paddlefish recovery actions utilized throughout North America, with the intent of identifying shared successes and failures.   This symposium will facilitate network development and information sharing among sturgeon and paddlefish researchers in North America, and will ultimately aid managers and researchers as they identify actions to recover these species. The relative uniqueness of sturgeons and paddlefish has led to the natural development of a fisheries network that others can use as a model when developing networks for other species.  AFS members will benefit from this symposium’s presentations and discussions, as lessons learned may be applied to other species faced with similar anthropogenic threats.   

Structure of Symposium

  1. Opening comments
  2. Plenary Speaker – We intend to find a speaker to discuss the state of recovery for North American sturgeons and paddlefish
  3. Series of topic presentations:

    Habitat restoration

    Fish passage options

    Alternative energy considerations

    Methods to assess recovery (e.g. population estimates, modeling etc.)


  4. Species talks (1 or 2) to illustrate actions tried (both failures and success) to remedy threats to individual species

  5. Closing will be panel discussion
Stephania K. Bolden and Dewayne A. Fox
�Conservation Locking� for the Restoration of Paddlefish and Sturgeon Populations in the Southeastern U.S (Withdrawn)
Analysis of Population Data from an Introduced Lake Sturgeon Population on the Menominee Indian Reservation, Wisconsin (Withdrawn)
8:00 AM
Effects of Hypoxia on Growth, Behavior, and Mortality of Scaphirhynchus and Polyodon Larvae
Hilary G. Billman, Montana State University; Christopher S. Guy, USGS, Montana Cooperative Fishery Research Unit, Montana State University; Kevin M. Kappenman, USFWS; Jason Ilgen, USFWS; M. A. H. Webb, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Bozeman Fish Technology Center

8:15 AM
Development of a Basin-Wide Contaminants Plan for Pallid Sturgeon
Molly Webb, USFWS Bozeman Fish Technology Center; Steve Alexander, USFWS, Tennessee Ecological Services Field Office; Michael Coffey, USFWS, Illinois Ecological Services Field Office; Mark Ely, USFWS, Division of Planning; Kevin Johnson, USFWS, Southern Rockies LCC Coordinator, Mountain-Prairie Region; Aleshia Kenney, USFWS, Illinois Ecological Services Field Office; Mike McKee, Missouri Department of Conservation; Lourdes Mena, USFWS, Nebraska Ecological Services Field Office; Karen Nelson, USFWS, Montana Ecological Services Field Office; Diana Papoulias, U.S. Geological Survey; David Rouse, USFWS, Montana Ecological Services Field Office; Matt Schwarz, USFWS, South Dakota Ecological Services Field Office

8:45 AM
Population Structure in the Ancient Octoploid White Sturgeon within and Among Drainages Revealed with Polysomic Microsatellite Markers
Andrea Drauch Schreier, University of California Davis; Brian Mahardja, UC Davis; Bernie May, UC Davis

9:00 AM
Inferring Pallid Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) Demographic History to Assist Recovery Efforts
George R. Jordan, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service; William R. Ardren, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Patrick DeHaan, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Robin Waples, NOAA Fisheries / Northwest Fisheries Science Center

Genetic Tagging and Parental Genotype Reconstruction for Recovering Lower Missouri River Pallid Sturgeon (Withdrawn)
9:30 AM
A Novel Approach to Surveying Sturgeon Using Side-Scan Sonar and Occupancy Modeling
H. Jared Flowers, North Carolina State University; Joseph E. Hightower, U.S. Geological Survey, North Carolina State University

9:45 AM
Wednesday AM Break

10:15 AM
Age Estimates of Wild Pallid Sturgeon in the Upper Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers Based on Fin Rays, Otoliths and Bomb Radiocarbon
Patrick J. Braaten, USGS Columbia Environmental Research Center; Steven Campana, Bedford Institute of Oceanography; David B. Fuller, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks; Ryan D. Lott, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks; Ronald M. Bruch, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; George R. Jordan, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service

10:30 AM
Movements of Shovelnose Sturgeon throughout Life History Inferred from Otolith Microchemistry
Brenda M. Pracheil, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Peter B. McIntyre, University of Wisconsin-Madison; John Lyons, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

10:45 AM
Status and Recovery Efforts for the Alabama Sturgeon
Steven J. Rider, Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries; Bernard Kuhajda, University of Alabama Department of Biological Sciences; Jeff Powell, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service

11:00 AM
Resolving Uncertainties in Gulf Sturgeon Mortality Rates
Merrill Rudd, University of Florida; Robert Ahrens, University of Florida; William Pine III, University of Florida; Stephania K. Bolden, NOAA Fisheries Southeast Regional Office

11:15 AM
Demography of a Potential Shortnose Sturgeon Metapopulation in the Gulf of Maine: Recovery Implications
Matthew E. L. Altenritter, University of Maine; Gayle B. Zydlewski, University of Maine; Michael Kinnison, University of Maine; Gail Wippelhauser, Maine Department of Marine Resources; James Sulikowski, University of New England

11:30 AM
Marine Movements of Acoustically-Tagged Gulf Sturgeon, 2010-2011
Michael Randall, U.S. Geological Survey; Kenneth Sulak, U.S. Geological Survey

11:45 AM
Assessment of an Unexploited Paddlefish Population in the Alabama River, AL
Steven J. Rider, Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries; Mike Maceina, Auburn University Department of Fisheries; Travis Powell, Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries; Tom Ringenberg, Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries

12:00 PM
Wednesday Lunch

1:15 PM
Sound Production in Gulf Sturgeon with an Update on Investigations in the Genus Acipenser
Catherine Phillips, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Michael Randall, U.S. Geological Survey; Kenneth Sulak, U.S. Geological Survey

1:30 PM
Barbleheads Unite: Developing an Acoustic Monitoring Network for Green Sturgeon
Mary L. Moser, NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center; Steven T. Lindley, NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center

1:45 PM
Stranding of Spawning Run Green Sturgeon in the Sacramento River: Post Rescue Movements, Population Level Effects, and Management Implications
Michael J. Thomas, Biotelemetry Laboratory; Nick Friedenburg, Applied Biomathematics; Matthew L. Peterson, Biotelemetry Laboratory; Joel VanEenennaam, U.C. Davis; Jan Jeffrey Hoover, U. S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center; Joseph Johnson, California Department of Fish and Game; A. Peter Klimley, UC Davis

2:00 PM
Green Sturgeon Distribution in the Pacific Ocean Estimated from Modeled Oceanographic Features and Migration Behavior
David D. Huff, N.O.A.A. Southwest Fisheries Science Center; Steven T. Lindley, NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center; Brian Wells, N.O.A.A. Southwest Fisheries Science Center; Fei Chai, University of Maine

2:15 PM
Opportunities, Challenges, and Considerations for Large Scale Stock Assessment: Lessons Learned from the Micra Paddlefish Stock Assessment
Brenda M. Pracheil, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Gerald E. Mestl, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission

2:45 PM
Assessing Recruitment of Atlantic Sturgeon: What Does �Recovery� Look Like?
Douglas L. Peterson, University of Georgia; Michael S. Bednarski, Massachuesetts Division of Marine Fisheries; Paul Vecsei, Golder Associates

3:00 PM
Wednesday PM Break

3:30 PM
Do Sturgeon Require Passports? A Collaborative Research Effort to Describe Lake Sturgeon Seasonal Distribution Between the Namakan River (Canada) and Reservoir (United States)
David Deslauriers, South Dakota State University; Erinn Ipsen, University of New Brunswick; D. McLeod, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Fort Frances District; Steve Windels, Voyageurs National Park; Steven R. Chipps, U. S. Geological Survey, South Dakota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit; Cameron A. Trembath, Voyageurs National Park; Stephanie L. Shaw, University of Florida; Brian McLaren, Lakehead University

3:45 PM
Lake Sturgeon Population Demographics in the Huron-Erie Corridor, 1996-2012
Justin Chiotti, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Lloyd Mohr, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources; Michael Thomas, Michigan Department of Natural Resources; James Boase, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ; Bruce A. Manny, US Geological Survey

4:00 PM
Lake Superior Juvenile Lake Sturgeon Index Survey
Joshua Schloesser, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Henry R. Quinlan, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

4:15 PM
Seasonal Movements and Aggregations of Sub-Adult Atlantic Sturgeon: Implications for Limiting the Interactions of Human Activities to Assist in Species Recovery
Keith J. Dunton, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University; Adrian Jordaan, Stony Brook University; Dewayne A. Fox, Delaware State University; Matthew W. Breece, Delaware State University; Kim A. McKown, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources; Michael G. Frisk, Stony Brook University

4:30 PM
A Look Through Time: Gulf Sturgeon Habitat Quality and Availability in Choctawhatchee Bay, FL
Katherine M. Fleming, Delaware State University; Dewayne A. Fox, Delaware State University; Stephania K. Bolden, NOAA Fisheries Southeast Regional Office

4:45 PM
Why Do Sturgeon Jump? New Technology to Address an Ancient Question
Nicholas Whitney, Mote Marine Laboratory; Michael Randall, U.S. Geological Survey; Kenneth Sulak, U.S. Geological Survey

See more of: Symposium Proposals