Biosecurity and Hatchery Challenges to Achieve It!
Biosecurity and Hatchery Challenges to Achieve It!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013: 11:20 AM
Marriott Ballroom A (The Marriott Little Rock)
Biosecurity in hatcheries can mean different things to different managers, depending upon what experiences they have had. It may be limiting the risk of disease (bacterial, viral or protozoan), or it could be preventing the introduction of an aquatic nuisance/invasive species, either onto the hatchery or from the hatchery during the distribution or stocking process. It could also mean the separation or isolation of specific species or “lots” of fish contained on the hatchery facility. Biosecurity is accomplished through process with the development of a plan, implementation of the plan, and use of technology. Hatchery managers have more technological options available to them than their predecessors had in the past that can now be utilized to make their facility more biosecure and limit the risk of infection or infestation. These technological options, including filtering, ultraviolet sterilization, use of ozone and chemical application will be presented, along with an overview of biosecurity practices that could be implemented to aid in the production of disease free, healthy and clean hatchery fish and mollusks.