Fishvis: A Web-Based Decision Support Mapper for Understanding the Response of Fish Species and Stream Temperature to Climate Change in the Great Lakes Region
Fishvis: A Web-Based Decision Support Mapper for Understanding the Response of Fish Species and Stream Temperature to Climate Change in the Great Lakes Region
Thursday, September 12, 2013: 4:00 PM
Marriott Ballroom C (The Marriott Little Rock)
Climate change is expected to alter hydrological systems through changes in instream flow, stream temperature, and habitat. These changes in turn can have a profound effect on aquatic systems resulting in changes in fish distribution and community composition. Fish responses may be complex and vary across species, geographies, and stream types. Resource managers need information and tools to help them understand where stream habitats and fish species are expected to change under future climate. “FishVis” is a web-based decision-support mapping application developed for users to visualize potential climate-driven responses for thermally representative fish species in streams across the Great Lakes region. Simulations of fish species occurrence and stream temperature can be displayed under current and future conditions based on 13 different global circulation models. FishVis is built using ArcServer and webservices and allows users to interact by selecting a species or habitat response, and time period to display results at regional or reach scales. Popups display results for individual stream reaches when interrogated. Underlying basemaps of imagery, topography, roads, protected areas, existing land use, and an index of watershed environmental disturbance are available to aid in the identification of stream reaches which warrant specific management responses to projected climate-change impacts.