Fish Migration Monitoring
Vaki Aquaculture Systems Ltd. has been a leading company in developing equipment for counting and measuring the size of live fish since 1986. Through continuous product development and customer contact, Vaki has adapted its products to new areas, and the fish counter for use in fish ladders, is one of our innovations. The Riverwatcher is based on the same technology that has been proven in exposed conditions in the aquaculture industry. The Riverwatcher is used in more than 300 sites all over the world including Iceland, Scandinavia, Ireland, UK, USA, Canada, Spain, Portugal, Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany and Switzerland.. In the presentation I will show some results from different rivers in Scandinavia, UK and N-America.
Various versions are available, and the counter can be adapted to local conditions in each individual instance. The Riverwatcher consists of a Control Unit with software, a Scanner Unit with a data bank and cables, solar-panel batteries and a computer program for processing the data.
Value to AFS members
Comparison of catch figures and the movement pattern of the fish to calculate the exploitation rate
Comparison of the movement pattern of the fish from one year to another
Evaluation of the results of rearing and smolt releases
Assessment of the influence of different environmental factors
Assessment of the efficiency of the fish ladder
Valuable data for better fisheries management