Development and Application of a Spatially Explicit Growth Model for Age-0 Pallid Sturgeon
Development and Application of a Spatially Explicit Growth Model for Age-0 Pallid Sturgeon
Thursday, August 21, 2014: 11:50 AM
206A (Centre des congrès de Québec // Québec City Convention Centre)
Habitat requirements for early life stages of the Federally endangered pallid sturgeon are poorly understood. In this study, we developed a growth model that will allow researchers to evaluate habitat quality and survival potential for age-0 pallid sturgeon. To do so, a series of studies were performed to quantify foraging dynamics and energetics of age-0 sturgeon that served as inputs in the model. Feeding response, respiration rate, swimming performance, gut evacuation rate and feeding satiation were quantified as functions of water temperature (12-24°C) and fish size (10-150 mm). In addition, the model was evaluated by quantifying growth in small scale mesocosms simulating natural conditions. Using empirical data, the model was applied to various sites in the Missouri River to evaluate spatially explicit growth patterns for age-0 pallid sturgeon. The model should prove useful for identifying important rearing areas and habitat restoration efforts for pallid sturgeon, given the general lack of natural reproduction and hence, the scarcity of age-0 life-stage in the Missouri River.