Lake-Use Patterns in Prairie Lakes and Resulting Management Implications

Tuesday, August 19, 2014: 1:30 PM
2104B (Centre des congrès de Québec // Québec City Convention Centre)
Lushani Nanayakkara , University of Regina, Regina, SK, Canada
Harry Diaz , University of Regina
Björn Wissel , Biology, University of Regina, Regina, SK, Canada
Activities centered on prairie lakes in southern Saskatchewan (SK) directly impact rural

communities and provide economic benefits to the whole province. A SK lake-use and

management survey was conducted in July and August 2013 to obtain demographic, resource

use, knowledge of aquatic systems and resource management information from lake users.

200 surveys were distributed and 65 were returned for a return rate of 32.5%. We feel that

this moderate sample size is adequate because the data will ultimately be utilized to develop

a management framework on a local scale. Recreational fishing was the most popular activity

followed closely by swimming, and walleye (Sander vitreus) was the most desired fish for

recreational fishers. Stakeholder concerns regarding lakes and water resources in general

included urbanization, animal husbandry, agriculture, overfishing and climate change. 60% of

survey respondents expressed interest in participating in a citizen-based lake-monitoring program

as well as providing input on lake management. Outreach, education and local monitoring efforts

will focus on engaging these stakeholders. In conjunction with a whole-lake biological study

(conducted from 2007-2013) the stakeholder survey results will be used to develop an adaptive

management framework specific for these lakes and the prairie region in general.