How Were Your Data Collected 5, 10, 15 Years Ago?
PNAMP coordinates development of cloud-based applications to promote recording details of monitoring programs. The suite of complementary tools, MonitoringResources.org, assists practitioners with describing how, when, where and why data are collected. The goal is to allow practitioners to easily document once and share many times – greatly leveraging their information investment. Colleagues and their information systems (e.g., project tracking systems, databases, metadata repositories) can access and learn from the information. Funders and managers can review existing and proposed work and better understand gaps and overlaps in a given spatial extent.
The tools not only capture details about program implementation; they also support collaboration and data exchange. They are integrated to allow engagement in more useful planning with colleagues. In addition, long term storage will preserve yearly documentation, making it easy to find details about how data were collected or analyzed, thus facilitating data exchange efforts.