Seal Exclusion Devices in Cod Pots Prevent Seal Bycatch and Affects Their Catchability
Seal Exclusion Devices in Cod Pots Prevent Seal Bycatch and Affects Their Catchability
Thursday, August 21, 2014: 9:00 AM
205C (Centre des congrès de Québec // Québec City Convention Centre)
In order to maintain a viable inshore fishing industry, it is important to limit the incidence of seal-inflicted damage to static fishing gear and additional catch losses. Studies in the Baltic Sea have shown that this could be achieved by implementing alternative fishing methods, e.g. by using fish pots instead of lines or gillnets. However, as in net and line fisheries, a pot fishery could also result in bycatch of seals. In order to prevent these bycatches, pot entrances were equipped with seal exclusion devices (SEDs) of various sizes and shapes. A field study was conducted to investigate what effect different types of SEDs had on the bycatch of seals as well as on the pots' catchability. When pots where equipped with SEDs the bycatch of seals were reduced to zero without negatively affecting the pots catchability. The shape and size of the entrance did have a significant effect on the pots catchability and the size of the fish and by using symmetrical oval shaped entrances along with larger rectangular entrances divided into two smaller openings the pots catchabillity increased.