Anthony Acou

Station Marine de Dinard, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle
Service des Stations Marines
Dinard France 35800

P-140 An Experimental Test of the Impact of the Thermic Shock Encountred during the Diel Vertical Migrations of Silver Eels Anguilla Anguilla during Oceanic Spawning Migration P-141 Acute Loss of European Silver Eel Fitness By Introduced (vs native) Parasitic Helminths Threatening Spawning Success T-206B-12 Inter-Annual Trend in Recent Years (2001-2012) of Population Size and Reproductive Potential of Silver-Phase European Eels in the Loire River T-207-13 Reservoirs and Dams Impact the Migration Success of Silver Eels. A Telemetry Approach on the Frémur River, France T-2104A-8 Feeding Ecology of Anguilliform Leptocephali in the Pacific and Indian Oceans Examined By Isotopic and Fatty Acid Analyses Th-206B-3 Is Restocking an Efficient Measure to Sustain the Freshwater Eel Populations? Results of a 6 Years Experimental Study in a Natural Freshwater Marsh in Southern Europe Th-206B-5 Is Restocking an Efficient Measure to Sustain Eel Populations? Three Years of Glass Eels Restocking in France W-206B-8 Organic and Metallic Pollutants Reduce the Diversity of Life-History Traits in European Eel: The End of an Evolutionary Advantage? W-206B-13 Long Term Cooperation Between Freshwater Traditional Commercial Fishermen and Researchers about Silver European Eel Knowledge and Management : The Best Way for Best Results on Eel Populations of the Loire River France W-207-13 Contrasted Demographic Parameters (growth and survival) of Eel Populations in Two Small Coastal Rivers of Western France: The Role of Habitat and Management Implications