Environmental DNA: A New Tool for Aquatic Conservation and Fisheries Management, Part 1

Monday, August 18, 2014: 1:30 PM-5:20 PM
205A (Centre des congrès de Québec // Québec City Convention Centre)
Molecular ecologists can now take advantage of great advances in sequencing technologies and analytical methods, but the potential of genetic tools in aquatic management and conservation is still underexploited. In particular, environmental DNA (eDNA) is one of the latest tools in applied molecular ecology with a huge, still untapped potential for faunal monitoring. The eDNA method is a novel sampling approach for macro-organism that detects traces of cellular or extracellular DNA in the soil and water from sources such feces, secreted mucous membranes, gametes and skin cells. The method has great potential to increase the power of detection and quantification, spatial coverage and frequency of sampling for aquatic ecosystems. Large-scale studies are often limited by the lack of broad spatial and temporal data. The analysis of eDNA could be a revolutionary tool to overcome this problem without physically manipulating the organisms. At local scale, eDNA has been shown to be a promising method to early detection of invasive species, but the method is also gaining interest for broader scopes for a large number of marine and freshwater ecosystems such as collecting data for species at risk, species that are difficult to capture and fisheries management in general. However, integrating eDNA with management strategies has important scientific challenges: (1) developing molecular techniques (specific markers and probes design, DNA extraction, traditional PCR and quantitative PCR), (2) developing and standardizing sampling methods among species and habitats and (3) developing new statistical analyses. In this context, the goal of the symposium is to advance the field by uniting researchers working on both improving eDNA methods as well as showing its potential for fisheries management.
Anaïs Lacoursière and David M. Lodge
Anaïs Lacoursière and Louis Bernatchez
Anaïs Lacoursière
Email: anaislr12@hotmail.com

David M. Lodge
Email: dlodge@nd.edu

Anaïs Lacoursière
Email: anaislr12@hotmail.com

Louis Bernatchez
Email: louis.bernatchez@bio.ulaval.ca

2:10 PM
Regionally Based DNA Archives for Use As in Situ Validation for Edna Assays
Gregg Schumer, Genidaqs, A Cramer Fish Sciences business; Scott Brandl, UC Davis

2:30 PM
Finding an Environmental DNA Needle in a Haystack of Congenerics and Inhibitors
Taylor Wilcox, University of Montana; Kevin S. McKelvey, U.S. Forest Service; Michael K. Young, U.S. Forest Service; Stephen Jane, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Winsor Lowe, University of Montana; Andrew R. Whiteley, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Michael K. Schwartz, U.S. Forest Service

2:50 PM
Environmental DNA Sampling Strategies in Lentic and Lotic Systems
Katherine Strickler, University of Idaho; Caren Goldberg, Washington State University; Alexander Fremier, Washington State University

3:10 PM
Monday Afternoon Break

3:40 PM
The Implantation of Quantitative Edna to Manage Fisheries in Freshwater Ecosystems
Anaïs Lacoursière-Roussel, Université Laval; Bernatchez Louis, Université Laval; Guillaume Côté, Université Laval; Isabel Thibault, Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement, de la Faune et des Parcs; Véronique Leclerc, Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement, de la Faune et des Parcs

4:00 PM
Environmental DNA Particle Size Distributions: Implications for Collection and Analysis
Matthew A. Barnes, University of Notre Dame; Cameron Turner, University of Notre Dame; Christopher Jerde, University of Notre Dame; David M. Lodge, University of Notre Dame

4:20 PM
Efficacy of Edna-Based Metagenetic Approaches for En Mass Molecular Assessment of Fish and Amphibian Species Richness
Nathan Evans, University of Notre Dame; Brett Olds, University of Notre Dame; Mark Renshaw, University of Notre Dame; Cameron Turner, University of Notre Dame; Christopher Jerde, University of Notre Dame; Andrew Mahon, Central Michigan University; Michael Pfrender, University of Notre Dame; Gary Lamberti, University of Notre Dame; David Lodge, University of Notre Dame

4:40 PM
eDNA; Metabarcoding Approach for Fish Biodiversity Assessment in Freshwater Ecosystem
Eva Bellemain, SPYGEN; Alice Valentini, SPYGEN; Raphaël Civade, IRSTEA; Pierre Taberlet, Université Joseph Fourier; Didier Pont, IRSTEA; Gaëlle Tallec, IRSTEA; Tony Dejean, SPYGEN

5:00 PM
The Metabarcoding Approach: Challenges and Perspectives
Melania Cristescu, McGill University; Jullien Flynn, McGill University; Emily Brown, McGill University; Frederic Chain, McGill University; Hugh MacIsaac, University of Windsor

See more of: Symposium Proposals