Telemetry on the Atlantic Coast: Tagging Locally and Observing Globally, Part 1

Wednesday, August 20, 2014: 10:30 AM-3:10 PM
204A (Centre des congr�s de Qu�bec // Qu�bec City Convention Centre)
Telemetry studies including acoustic, radio, and satellite are used to study fish, sea turtles, and marine mammals along the eastern seaboard of North America.  Study animals are as small as Atlantic Salmon smolts and as large as Great White Sharks or baleen whales. Many of these studies are focused on relatively local issues. However, with the proliferation of telemetry monitoring at-sea, animals are often observed at very distant points from their release by researchers outside a tagger’s local network. When these distant detections are noted and shared, new insights into marine animal ecology and habitat use are possible.  The purpose of this symposium is to share such findings across a broad array of species to encourage collaboration and expand knowledge. Through presentations by a diverse group of marine telemetry researchers from Florida to Arctic Canada, we will share both local findings and insights gained from distant observations. Because we often work with only a limited number of species in a narrow region, we anticipate that sharing methods, analysis, and interpretation of telemetry data will result in a productive discussion and cross-fertilization of ideas. We also encourage presenters to provide insights into their results that transcend species - what did you find that is likely to be important across taxa?  By taking a larger view of these data and forming new collaborations across species, we hope to refine our knowledge of seascapes and essential ocean habitats.
John F. Kocik , James P. Hawkes , Gayle Zydlewski , Heather Haas and Gordon Waring
John F. Kocik, PhD

James P. Hawkes

Gayle Zydlewski

Heather Haas, PhD

Gordon Waring

10:30 AM
Use of Ultrasonic Telemetry to Monitor Sturgeon Movement: A Multistate Approach
Bill C. Post, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources; Michael Loeffler, NCDMF; Chip Collier, NC Division of Marine Fisheries; Joseph E. Hightower, U.S. Geological Survey, North Carolina State University; Douglas L. Peterson, University of Georgia

10:50 AM
Atlantic Sturgeon in the Gulf of Maine: From the Bay of Fundy to Hudson River, NY
Gail Wippelhauser, Maine Department of Marine Resources

11:10 AM
Tagging and Genetics Reveal the Origin of Atlantic Sturgeon Acipenser Oxyrinchus in MINAS Basin, NOVA Scotia: Potential Effects of LOCAL Impacts on a MIXED Stock Aggregation
M.J.W. Stokesbury, Acadia University; Jeffrey Beardsall, Acadia University; Montana McLean, Acadia University; Mike J. Dadswell, Acadia University

11:30 AM
Stewards of the Sea: The U.S. Navy's Efforts to Track Atlantic Sturgeon Movements in the Chesapeake Bay
Carter Watterson, U.S. Department of the Navy; Christian Hager, Chesapeake Scientific, LLC.; Keith Dunton, Stony Brook University; Dewayne Fox, Delaware State University; Matthew Breece, Delaware State University; Matthew Balazik, Virginia Commonwealth University; David MacDuffee, U.S. Department of the Navy

11:50 AM
Satellite Tracking the Sea Turtle "Lost Years"
Kate Mansfield, University of Central Florida; Jeanette Wyneken, Florida Atlantic University; Warren Porter, University of Wisconsin; Jiangang Luo, University of Miami

12:10 PM
Wednesday Lunch

Satellite-Tracking of Loggerhead Sea Turtles Indicates Repetitive Interannual Behaviors in Areas of High Scallop Fishing Activity in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (Withdrawn)
1:50 PM
What Works: Tracking of Rehabilitated Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles Released in the New York Bight
Robert A. DiGiovanni Jr., Riverhead Foundation for Marine Research and Preservation; Kimberly F. Durham, Riverhead Foundation for Marine Research and Preservation; Daniella Ferina, Riverhead Foundation for Marine Research and Preservation; Allison M. DePerte, Riverhead Foundation for Marine Research and Preservation

2:10 PM
Natural Habitat Associations and the Effects of Dredging on Coastal Pelagic and Benthic Forage Fish at the Canaveral Shoals, East-Central, FL
Joseph Iafrate, Naval Undersea Warfare Center; Stephanie Watwood, Naval Undersea Warfare Center; Eric Reyier, NASA/ Inomedic Health Applications

2:30 PM
You Can't Answer It Alone: Merging Survey and Telemetry Data Obtained from a Maine Coastal Estuary
James P. Hawkes, NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service; Michael O'Malley, Scottish Government; Graham S. Goulette, NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service; Rory Saunders, NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service

2:50 PM
Social Sharks: Long-Term Internal Acoustic Transceivers Reveal Species Associations and Large-Scale Movements of a Coastal Apex Predator
Danielle Haulsee, University of Delaware; Dewayne Fox, Delaware State University; Matthew Breece, University of Delaware; Lori Brown, Delaware State University; Bradley Wetherbee, University of Rhode Island; Matthew Oliver, University of Delaware

See more of: Symposium Proposals