Contributed Papers - Great Lakes

Thursday, August 21, 2014: 8:20 AM-5:20 PM
202 (Centre des congr�s de Qu�bec // Qu�bec City Convention Centre)
Robert L. McLaughlin , Maureen G. Walsh and Sergiusz Czesny
Robert L. McLaughlin

Maureen G. Walsh

Sergiusz Czesny, PhD

8:20 AM
Delivering Local and Regional Trend Data on Stream Fishes to Facilitate Collaborative Management of Great Lakes and Inland Fisheries
Troy Zorn, Michigan Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Division; Todd Wills, Michigan Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Division; Joel Lenz, Michigan State University; Ashley DePottey, Michigan State University; Srinivas Yerukola, Michigan Department of Technology Management and Budget; Justin Booth, Michigan State University; Christine Larson, Michigan Department of Technology Management and Budget; Henry Quinlan, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

8:40 AM
Do Life History Traits of Lake Erie Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) Show Plastic Responses to the Demographic Effects of Harvesting?
Dav�� G�slason, University of Guelph; Robert L. McLaughlin, University of Guelph; Beren Robinson, University of Guelph

9:20 AM
Explanations for Seasonal Variability in the Sensitivity of Sea Lampreys to the Chemical 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol (TFM), Used to Control Invasive Sea Lamprey in the Great Lakes
Alexandra Muhametsafina, Wilfrid Laurier University; Christopher Robinson, Wilfrid Laurier University; Hadi Dhiyebi, Wilfrid Laurier University; Benjamin Hlina, Wilfrid Laurier University; Tristan Long, Wilfrid Laurier University; Roger Bergstedt, US Geological Survey; Karen Slaght, United States Geological Survey; Michael Wilkie, Wilfrid Laurier University

9:40 AM
Dynamic Hypoxic Zones in Lake Erie Compress Fish Habitat Altering Vulnerability to Fishing Gears
Richard Kraus, USGS Great Lakes Science Center; Ann Marie Gorman, Ohio Division of Wildlife; Troy Farmer, The Ohio State University; Carey Knight, Ohio Department of Natural Resources; Paris D. Collingsworth, University of Michigan; Glenn Warren, US EPA Great Lakes National Program Office; Joseph D. Conroy, Inland Fisheries Research Unit, Division of Wildlife

10:00 AM
Thursday Morning Break

10:30 AM
Individual Behaviour Likely Affects Trappability of an Invasive Species, the Sea Lamprey
Adrienne McLean, University of Guelph; Robert L. McLaughlin, University of Guelph

Effectiveness Monitoring of Mechanically Restored Open-Water Habitat for Fishes in a Lake Erie Coastal Wetland Impacted By Invasive Phragmites (Withdrawn)
11:10 AM
Characterization of River Plumes in Lake Michigan Using a Towed Multisensor Array
Paris D. Collingsworth, Purdue University; Wenzhao Xu, University of Illinois; Barbara Minsker, University of Illinois; Jeffrey S. Schaeffer, U. S. Geological Survey, Great Lakes Science Center; Martha Mazur, Bellarmine University

11:50 AM
The Great Lakes Marine Debris Action Plan
Sarah Opfer, Earth Resources Technology, Inc.

12:10 PM
Thursday Lunch

1:30 PM
Genetic and Environmental Basis of the Phenotypic Divergence in Locomotion-Related Traits Between Two Lake Whitefish Species (Coregonus clupeaformis)
Martin Laporte, Institut de Biologie Int�grative et des Syst�mes (IBIS), Universit� Laval; Anne Dalziel, Institut de Biologie Int�grative et des Syst�mes (IBIS), Universit� Laval; Nicolas Martin, Institut de Biologie Int�grative et des Syst�mes (IBIS), Universit� Laval; Louis Bernatchez, Universit� Laval

2:10 PM
Spatial Variation in Nearshore Fish Community and Age Structure in Southwest Lake Michigan
William Stacy, Illinois Natural History Survey; Sara Creque, Illinois Natural History Survey; David H. Wahl, Illinois Natural History Survey; Sergiusz Czesny, Illinois Natural History Survey, Lake Michigan Biological Station

Seasonal and Diel Distribution of Alewife in Lake Ontario (Withdrawn)
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