Swift Reservoir Floating Surface Collector Operations - Lewis River, Washington

Frank Shrier III , Licensing and Compliance, PacifiCorp, Portland, OR
Chris Karchesky , Licensing and Compliance, PacifiCorp, Ariel, WA
The Swift dam and powerhouse are part of the Lewis River Hydroelectric Project in southwest Washington State and is owned and operated by PacifiCorp Energy.  The new FERC Operating License called for construction and operation of a Floating Surface Collector (FSC) in Swift Reservoir as part of the first of three phases of salmon and steelhead reintroduction upstream of the hydroelectric project.  Operation of the FSC began December 26, 2012.  Since start-up, thousands of fish have been captured and either distributed downstream of the dams or returned to the reservoir depending on the species, life stage, and life history.  The collector is unique in that it was designed to operate year-round throughout the reservoir fluctuation range (up to 120ft.) related to flood management of the Lewis River.   

Information on capture efficiency, survival and total fish capture by species will be shared.  Modifications to the facility that were made to improve the operation and fish capture will also be presented.