Satellite Messenger Vs. Satellite Phone

Thomas Morrell , NMFS, Riverside Technologies, Miami, FL
Kenneth Keene , NMFS, NOAA, Miami, FL
When offshore, a fisheries’ observer requires the ability to have communications with those on shore, and choosing the most viable method, without sacrificing reliability, would increase the overall safety and professionalism of those working on these vessels. A comparison of two solutions – the satellite messenger and the satellite phone – and their overall efficiency from the standpoint of an observer program and the user would benefit both entities in matters of safety, dependability and practicality as a whole. By researching the cost, effectiveness, usability, durability and the advantages/disadvantages of each, the end result will produce factual evidence supporting either device as the best solution in regards to offshore communication. Variables such as location, weather, etc. will play a role in the comparison as well as feedback from individuals experienced with the use of both whilst in the field.