Haskill Creek-Reimer Restoration

Jonathan Ferree , Hydrology/Geomorphology, River Design Group, whitefish, MT

Flathead Conservation District (FCD) retained River Design Group, Inc. (RDG) to develop and implement a streambank and floodplain restoration plan for a 0.2 mile reach (1,100 feet) of lower Haskill Creek, a tributary to the Whitefish River near Whitefish, Montana.  The objectives of the project were to reduce sediment inputs to the channel resulting from severe bank and terrace erosion by establishing vegetated streambank and floodplain surfaces. 


Haskill Creek is a fourth order, perennial stream and is characterized as a low-gradient, entrenched, F5 stream type (Rosgen, 1996).  Dominant land uses include agriculture and residential development.  Channel manipulations date back to the 1940’s.  Clearing of riparian vegetation and straightening of the channel resulted in impaired aquatic habitat conditions.

Five individual sites were identified in the Reimer reach in a 2003 study and were recommended for bank and floodplain restoration treatment to mitigate sediment inputs to Haskill Creek, and to re-establish connectivity between the channel and floodplain. Prior to restoration activities, the treatment sites were characterized by high eroding streambanks and terraces with shallow-rooted grasses and forbs.  Restoration techniques included lowering the high banks; installing coarse woody debris along the channel margins; and implementing a rigorous riparian and floodplain revegetation plan.