Leave It to Beaver: Modifying Your Instream Restoration Projects to Provide a Greater Benefit to Beavers

Jeffrey McEnroe , Roseburg District, Bureau of Land Management, Roseburg, OR
With the large amount of instream restoration happening in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest, the biologists at the Bureau of Land Management have been looking at ways to modify instream restoration projects to provide the greatest benefit to beavers.  Providing the means for beavers to establish quickly into stream restoration reaches will help the project reach Its restoration goals much more quickly and provide greater ecological benefit.  In addition, beavers will maintain and provide greater longevity to stream restoration projects.  Ways to modify your restoration projects that will be discussed include willow planting strategies, creating forage openings, proper spacing on instream structures, and structure design.  The talk will also include discussion of some other projects to improve beaver awareness and education in the Umpqua basin including establishing a Beaver Working Group, educational efforts, beaver deceiver placements, and relocation efforts.