Developing Management Approaches to Reduce Bycatch and Bycatch Mortality of Atlantic Sturgeon in Virginia's Commercial Gill Net Fisheries with Limited Data

Sally Roman , Virginia Marine Resources Commission, Newport News, VA
Joe Grist , Virginia Marine Resources Commission, Newport News, VA
Rob O'Reilly , Virginia Marine Resources Commission, Newport News, VA
The Commonwealth of Virginia is applying for a general incidental take permit, required under the ESA for activities resulting in an interaction with an endangered or threatened species (Atlantic sturgeon).  This permit will allow commercial gill net gear to be used to prosecute fisheries, while remaining under an annual number of interactions of the species.  A component of the permit is to identify methods/management measures to minimize and mitigate the bycatch and bycatch mortality of the species.  Approaches to reduce bycatch and bycatch mortality range from gear modifications to time/area management measures and bycatch hotspot analysis.  Data currently available to develop some of these approaches are limited.  Data on interactions is restricted to federal observer data and self-reported data.  To address these limitations and allow for adaptive management, a state-managed observer program will collect data on commercial gill net trips throughout the state.  Research conducted by academic intuitions, federal agencies and other state agencies will be included in the process as results become available.  Collaborative fisheries research will be promoted to encourage involvement by industry stakeholders.  An adaptive and collaborative management approach will allow for longterm utilization of fisheries resources, while minimizing economic impacts that may result from fisheries closures.