Spatio-Temporal Patterns in the Lamprey Species within Russian Part of Eurasia

Alexandr Kucheryavyy , Ichthyology and Hydrobiology, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Elizaveta Kirillova , Lower vertebrate behaviour, Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Moscow, Russia
Ivan Tsimbalov , Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Shown several examples of structures forming lamprey metapopulations in Eurasia, that demonstrate wide specter of forms, coexisting and complementing each other in absence of natural or anthropogenic borders. At least in the northern latitudes, these metapopulations form multiring species associated by the potential present and/or immediate past relations.

Existence of regular exchange possibility (through spawners of opportunistic type behavior) result in very close connection of most part of freshwater bodies belonging to marine basin. Temporal communication exists because different generations of spawners constantly present in joint spawning areas and mix due to different maturing rates of different forma (or of the same form).

Diversity of lamprey assemblages: self–contained type assemblages (true population), genitor type, mixed type and pseudo–exceptorium type assemblage.

Currently, we can describe conformations of lamprey metapopulations only partially. The most obvious to us is metapopulation of the Sea of Okhotsk.  P. marinus has two metapopulations minimum – North American and European. Most likely, C. wagneri represents a uniform metapopulation in which connection is performed at the expense of the specimens fattening in Caspian Sea. Possibly, a uniform metapopulation of Lampetra lampreys is present in Europe. Metapopulations represent assemblage of one river are for most Eudontomyzon species.