Upper Columbia White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative Data Management System

Rebekka Lindskoog , Summit Environmental Consultants Inc, Vernon, BC, Canada
Jason McLellan , Fish and Wildlife Department, Colville Confederated Tribes, Spokane, WA
The Upper Columbia White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative, an international organization of multi-government and industry stakeholders, was formed in response to the increased concern related to the declining population of the White Sturgeon. The Initiative drives data collection efforts related to the Transboundary Reach White Sturgeon. Historically, the data has been managed by individual entities and existed in a variety of formats. As such, there was a need for a system that integrates all data collection efforts.  Summit Environmental Consultants Inc. has been working with the Colville Confederated Tribes, through its White Sturgeon Enhancement Project, to develop a Data Management System for the use of all of the partners, whether technical (fine-scale) or policy (high level, coarse-scale), and everyone in between.  The system will act as the central data information system that supports research, monitoring, and management activities.  This presentation will include a short demonstration of the system being developed, and will walk you through the collaborative process of developing the business requirements and prototyping of the system, including the benefits and challenges encountered