Display of Underwater High-Definition Videography of Gila Chub to Increase Public Awareness and Conservation

Chelsea Powers , Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Scott A. Bonar , USGS Cooperative Research Unit, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
Gila Chub (Gila intermedia) endemic to southwestern United States are endangered due mostly to anthropogenic causes. In an effort to increase awareness and conservation of this animal, we will be placing a large screen television projecting facts and high-definition recorded underwater footage of Gila chub at a local visitor center, Sabino Canyon Recreation Center. Alongside the display, we will be collecting data on visitor use and interest from on-site surveillance and a concluding survey. We will use this data to analyze dwell time (how long people are staying at the exhibit) both of our exhibit and other exhibits in the visitor center. We will then compare dwell time at our exhibit to others. In the survey we will be asking demographic questions (gender, highest education level, and age) as well as questions on prior and post awareness of the local fish. From this information we hope to gather a better understanding of the visitor center audience and fine-tune future exhibits and other conservational efforts towards the target audience.