Maine's Hatchery Roundtable: Overcoming Challenges by Coming Together

Michael Pietrak , Aquaculture Research Institute, University of Maine, Orono, ME
Maine has a diversity of hatcheries including facilities geared towards commercial aquaculture production, private, state and federal enhancement hatcheries, and University and federal research hatcheries. In 2006, the Hatchery Roundtable was created to bring the managers and staff from these various facilities together to learn about potential solutions to common problems, new developments and fish culture techniques and to discuss potential new solutions to issues they are having. A steering committee comprised of hatchery managers helps to guide and select the topics for invited speakers to address each year. Past issues have included topics such as wastewater discharge permits, alternative energy, photo-manipulation, egg eye-up success, feeds, and fish health. This presentation will examine several examples to illustrate the beneficial collaborations that have developed over the years. The Roundtable has strengthened communication between the many organizations rearing fish and provided a forum for folks to discuss their challenges and develop solutions with colleagues who may have a different set of experiences and perspective. Similar statewide or regional roundtables could provide a useful tool for helping other areas mange the many challenges facing existing operations.