EBFM: Translating an Acronym into Actions

Ellen Bolen , Director, Fish Conservation Program, Ocean Conservancy, Washington, DC
Ecosystem based fishery management (EBFM) is an increasingly important topic for managers and stakeholders alike.  Several fishery management councils are taking steps to implement EBFM principles into fisheries management and conservation groups are pushing for an ecosystem approach as Congress considers Magnuson – Stevens Act reauthorization.  However, EBFM has proven difficult to translate from a concept to actions in fisheries management.  To communicate persuasively with decision-makers on the need for eco-system based principles in fisheries management we needed practical guidance on the language and examples that will foster understanding and support.  Building off of existing language and fishery management concerns, we conducted in-depth interviews with fishermen and other stakeholders testing anecdotes, case studies and examples for gaining consideration and support of EBFM.  We discuss communications guidelines and principles; detailed findings on what worked and what did not; and recommendations on language, benefits messages and examples to use among various audiences to improve clarity about EBFM concepts and build support with decision makers.