Population Structure and Connectivity of Gray Triggerfish Across Its Distribution Range
Analysis of both microsatellite and mtDNA datasets revealed high connectivity between the Northwest and Northeast Atlantic (FST=-0.0002, P=0.7537; ΦST=0.0017, P=0.3341) which is hypothesized to result from the pelagic transport of Sargassum-associated larvae and juveniles by the Gulf Stream. Populations from the North and South Atlantic diverged significantly in allele and haplotype frequencies (FST=0.0375, P=0.0041; ΦST=0.4776, P=0.0084), a result consistent with the reduced exchange of larvae between the two groups predicted by current patterns in the equatorial region. Finally, separate stocks were identified in Southwest Africa and Eastern Brazil during analysis of the microsatellite dataset (FST=0.0149, P<0.0001). However, differences between the two South Atlantic stocks were not significant at mtDNA sequences (ΦST=-0.0109, P=0.8997) suggesting genetic divergence between these two regional populations occurred recently.