Spatial Variablity in Size at Maturity and Investigating Reproductive Timing for Golden King Crab (Lithodes aequispinus) in Southeast Alaska

Andrew Olson , Commercial Fisheries, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Juneau, AK
Size at morphometric maturity (SAM) was established for golden king crab (GKC) (Lithodes aequispinus) in Southeast Alaska (SEAK) by comparing the relationship between the right chela height (CH) and carapace length (CL) in males and on the presence or absence of eggs in females. Spatial variability in SAM was analyzed in SEAK and compared with published information throughout the geographic range which includes: Russia, the Bering Sea, and British Columbia, Canada. Russian and Bering Sea GKC SAM decreased as latitude increased, while SEAK SAM increased as latitude increased. To coincide with SAM, spine morphometric measurements were taken to examine spine length variability and determine if the current legal size is appropriate across all management areas within SEAK.  Reproductive timing was investigated in SEAK by taking egg samples to predict potential hatching events.