Facilitating EM Implementation through Comanagement

Sarah McTee , Ocean, Environmental Defense, San Francisco, CA
Kate Kauer , Nature Conservancy, San Francisco, CA
Dayna Matthews , NMFS, Seattle, WA
In considering EM implementation for the west coast groundfish IFQ fishery, we often look north to EM programs implemented by our neighbors in British Columbia.  However, the differences in our legal and governance structure preclude U.S. fishery managers from imposing similar incentives to promote compliance.  Specifically, when using EM as a tool to audit self-reported data, due process in the United States limits the ability of the Office of Law Enforcement (OLE) to charge for additional EM video review or initiate other immediate remedial actions.  The inability to respond to potential infractions in a timely manner compromises accurate catch accounting and will, in the long-term cost NMFS valuable time and resources.   A potential solution to this challenge, initially proposed by OLE, is currently being tested on the west coast.  Per an exempted fishing permit issued during the spring of 2015, the California Groundfish Collective has been deploying EM under a Self-Governing Agreement.  This Agreement allows the participating vessels to self-regulate, impose fines and handle minor infractions internally.  This presentation will outline the process, challenges and lessons learned in developing a Self-Governing Agreement and provide insight from an agreement in action.