How to Communicate Your Way Into a Job, a Raise, or Simply to Save the World

Sarah Harrison , Content Coordinator, American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD
Sarah Gilbert Fox , American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD
Fisheries has a variety of facets - one gem, but many facets (marine meet freshwater meet management meet aquaculture meet policy meet eDNA and so on).  Yet the one thing all fisheries scientists, professionals and students have in common is that you have to be able to talk about it.  You can know a whole lot about a subject - even be an expert in the field - but if you don't know how to share your information, then you've lost some of the important battle of making a difference in the world (not to mention with your boss, at a job interview, with your colleagues, in your lab, etc.). Learn how to assess what you need to say and how to say it.