Freeze Brand Retention in Channel Catfish and Channel Catfish x Blue Catfish Hybrids
Freeze Brand Retention in Channel Catfish and Channel Catfish x Blue Catfish Hybrids
Monday, August 22, 2016
Fisheries scientists often require information about fish movements, growth, and abundance to evaluate populations and develop management plans. One method for obtaining these data involves marking individual fish from the population of interest and assessing recaptured individuals. We used freeze brands in conjunction with adipose fin clips to mark equal numbers of Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus and Channel Catfish x Blue Catfish I. furcatus hybrids (hereafter hybrid catfish) in three consecutive years (2013 to 2015) in two separate impoundments in southeast Kansas. Species was identified by side of fish with brand and year of stocking was identified by brand orientation. Fish were collected with spring and fall gill nets and baited tandem hoop nets in summer. Each captured fish was observed for presence of adipose fin and presence of a discernible brand. A total of 719 stocked fish were sampled in 2014 and 2015 (471 Channel Catfish and 247 hybrid catfish). Of those, 54 Channel Catfish (11.5%) and 40 hybrid catfish (16.2%) did not have visible brands. These results provide evidence that freeze branding might be suitable to batch mark Ictaluridae catfishes with up to two-year retention.