Keep Them Fishing: Angler Churn Rates, Lifestyles and Other Insights Needed to Effectively Maintain Sportfishing
Keep Them Fishing: Angler Churn Rates, Lifestyles and Other Insights Needed to Effectively Maintain Sportfishing
Thursday, August 25, 2016: 8:00 AM
Empire A (Sheraton at Crown Center)
Today, fishing activity is up compared to just ten years ago. But why? Have we recruited more anglers or did we increase the rate with which anglers renew their licenses? What’s the trend among younger anglers, women? Are there regional issues to address? Answers to these questions, and others, are critical insights for the recreational fishing communities in their efforts to maximize participation and returns on future marketing investments.
With the support of ASA, and in collaboration with Responsive Management, Southwick Associates undertook an in-depth exploration of historical fishing license sales data from twelve states across the nation. We identify key segments within the angling population: those who are retained year after year, those who recently stepped away from the sport but are returning to the sport, and those who are new to the sport. Based on their activity levels, we uncover new insights about today’s angling population after exploring their demographics, lifestyle characteristics, and other factors influencing their desire to fish.