Multi-Year Youth Fishing License - Will It Keep Young Kansans Engaged in Fishing?

Wednesday, August 24, 2016: 1:40 PM
Empire A (Sheraton at Crown Center)
Doug Nygren , Fisheries Division, Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism, Pratt, KS
Kansas has been very concerned about a forty year steady decline in fishing license sales.  Examination of license sales since the establishment of an electronic licensing system database in 2006 revealed that anglers seventeen to twentyone purchased licenses at the lowest rate as a percentage of the Kansas population in their age class .  The department developed a multi-year youth license that can be puchased at age sixteen and is valid until December 31st of the year the individual reaches age twentyone.  The youth license has been in effect since the 2011 license year.  Managers are now beginning to assess the impact of this special fishing privilege on retention after age twentyone as well as the overall interest in this licensing option by Kansas youth.