Freshwater Inflows for Bays and Estuaries: The Texas Approach
Freshwater Inflows for Bays and Estuaries: The Texas Approach
Wednesday, August 24, 2016: 10:20 AM
Chicago B (Sheraton at Crown Center)
Freshwater inflows to bays and estuaries are critical for sustaining these unique aquatic ecosystems, especially during times of drought. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) has been active for over 25 years developing science to support freshwater inflow protection as well as promoting measures to protect estuarine ecosystems.To that end, TPWD has been active in the surface water rights permitting process as well as the development of state water plans, to ensure that freshwater inflows are protected. In 2007 the Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 3 which established a comprehensive, statewide process to protect environmental flows. The process relies upon input from local stakeholder groups composed of balanced interests ranging from agricultural water users to commercial anglers. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has adopted environmental flow standards intended protect flow regimes that will help ensure healthy rivers, streams and estuaries for Texas. The focus now is on adaptive management to address research needs and to identify voluntary strategies to meet environmental flow standards.