Search for Blackbanded Sunfish Populations in Florida
The Blackbanded Sunfish Enneacanthus chaetodon is found from New Jersey to Central Florida, but is fragmented throughout the distribution and is considered rare or at risk throughout much of the range. Almost all of the Florida collections were made between 40 and 70 years ago, and more recent sampling trips to these sites where biologists targeted Blackbanded Sunfish were unsuccessful. There are currently only two known populations of Blackbanded Sunfish in Florida and the State considers the species as rare and biologically vulnerable, but does not include them as a state listed taxa. Criteria that Florida uses to determine if species should be included as a state listed taxa include measures such as population size, population size reduction, limited geographical range (extent of occurrence or area of occupancy), and number of locations occupied. We are trying to identify current populations of Blackbanded Sunfish in Florida to better inform whether the species should be state listed. Our efforts are focused at historic collection sites and at some areas and waterbodies that have been sampled little or never before. Aerial imagery and museum records of Blackbanded Sunfish along with other fish species have been used to select potential sampling sites and areas.