Angling Recruitment through the Lens of Customer Relationship Management
Angling Recruitment through the Lens of Customer Relationship Management
Wednesday, August 24, 2016: 11:00 AM
Empire A (Sheraton at Crown Center)
Angling has provided a significant base to support aquatic resource management. From 1990-2000, there was great concern over declines in angler numbers. The purposes of this study were to demonstrate data mining techniques, using computerized point-of-sale license data, to examine angler population dynamics including recruitment and retention trends in the state of Michigan, and to make recommendations regarding customer relationship management (CRM). We conducted analysis of angler license data for 1995-2004. Complex preprocessing and deduping protocols allowed for an innovative analysis of data for distinct customers and for matching of customer records to track retention rates over time. The number of distinct Michigan angling customers declined 14.5%. The total proportion of the Michigan population as distinct angling customers also declined, while the mean age of anglers increased substantially. Two-year retention rates, particularly among male anglers, declined over the 10- year period, with some stabilization in the last two license years. This project demonstrated that data mining and CRM approaches are feasible. Rather than viewing angling recruitment as a simple process, bringing CRM strategies to bear can help build relationships between agencies and customers. Fisheries agencies, through education to sustain relationships with new anglers, will achieve long-term benefits for aquatic resources.