James E. Garvey, PhD
Southern Illinois University
Center for Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Aquatic Sciences
173A Life Science II
Southern Illinois University
Linking Nutrient Dynamics to Assess the Impact of Invasive Asian Carp on Native Communities
Evaluating Upstream Passage and Associated Movement Patterns of Adult Asian Carp at a Gated Dam on the Illinois River
Use of a Backwater Lake with Restored Lateral Hydrologic Connectivity By Invasive Bighead and Silver Carp
Energetic Costs Associated with Habitat Use during Early Life Influence Growth Rate Potential of Scaphirhynchus Sturgeon
Sturgeon and Paddlefish Migration: Evidence to Support the Need for Inter-Jurisdictional Management
Variation in the Density and Population Demographics of Asian Carp throughout the Illinois River
Density-Dependent Overwinter Growth and Survival of Juvenile Bigheaded Carp