Daniel Isermann
U.S. Geological Survey, Wisconsin Cooperative Fisheries Research Unit
College of Natural Resources, UWSP
Stevens Point,
"on the Screen or Though the Scope: Does Viewing Method Influence Age Estimates for Largemouth Bass and Walleyes?"
Lake Sturgeon Movements after Passage Upstream of Two Hydroelectric Dams on the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan
Stock Structure, Dynamics, and Demographics of Walleyes Spawning in Tributaries to Green Bay
Effects of 2, 4-D Herbicide Treatments Used to Control Eurasian Watermilfoil on Fish and Zooplankton
"Wild Age-0 Salmonid Abundance and Outmigration in Wisconsin Tributaries to Lake Michigan"
Identifying Recruitment Bottlenecks for Age-0 Walleye Sander Vitreus in Northern Wisconsin Lakes
Collaboration to Address Community Change: The Bass-Walleye Project in Wisconsin
Smallmouth Bass Population Characteristics and Movements in the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan
Electrofishing Catchability of Juvenile Muskellunge in Northern Wisconsin Lakes
Evaluation of Vehicle Counters for Monitoring Angler Effort on Small Inland Lakes