Joseph Zydlewski
U.S. Geological Survey, Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
5755 Nutting Hall, Room 234
Quantitative Decision-Support Tools for Dam Passage Performance Standards in the Northeast US
Understanding and Predicting Impacts of Commercial Harvest on White Suckers in Maine
The Fate of Hatchery-Spawned Atlantic Salmon Released into the Penobscot River, ME
Anadromous Sea Lamprey Influence Food Web Pathways in an Atlantic Coastal Stream
"Behavioral Characterization of Downstream-Migrating Atlantic Salmon Smolts in the Estuary of the Penobscot River, Maine"
How Changes in Passage Efficiency of Alewife at Main Stem Dams Can Influence Nutrient Dynamics in the St. Croix River, ME
Growth Trends in Two Sea Winter Atlantic Salmon in Maine's Downeast Rivers over 50 Years
Simulated Demographic and Evolutionary Impacts of Size-Selective Passage at Dams on Atlantic Salmon Body Size
Assessing the Influence of Imprinting and Stocking Timing on Atlantic Salmon Smolt to Adult Return
Recovery of River Herring Alosa Spp. Influences Smallmouth Bass Micropterus Dolomieu Diet and Growth in the Penobscot River, Maine
Dam Removal and Fish Passage Improvement Influence Fish Assemblages in the Penobscot River, Maine
Using Otolith Microchemistry to Infer Life Histories of American Shad Habitat Use in the Penobscot River, Maine