Kristen Bouska
USGS - Upper Midwest Environmental Science Center
La Crosse,
Using Maxent to Generate a Fundamental Niche Model for Diverse Mussel Assemblages within the Northeastern Ozark Region of Missouri
Can Resilience Concepts Improve Management and Restoration? a Resilience Assessment of the Upper Mississippi River System
Development and Potential Use of Broad-Scale Inundation Metrics to Evaluate the Role of Floodplain Inundation on Fishes in the Lower Missouri River
Derivation of Hydrogeomorphic Variables for Fundamental Niche Modeling of Unionid Mussel Concentrations in Missouri Ozark Rivers
An Examination of Costs and Benefits for Capturing Meaningful Hydro-Geomorphic Criteria for Aquatic Biota in Rivers
Towards a Strategic and Spatially-Explicit Mussel Conservation Assessment and Monitoring Program in Missouri – Our Vision