Sara Tripp
Missouri Department of Conservation
Big Rivers and Wetlands Field Station
Seasonal Movements of Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) in Harry S. Truman Reservoir, Missouri
"Environmental Life History of Scaphirhynchus Sturgeon in the Lower Missouri and Middle Mississippi Rivers"
Exploitation of American Paddlefish in the Mississippi River
Natal Origin and Movement Patterns of Paddlefish within the Mississippi River Basin
Lake Sturgeon Recovery Efforts in the Upper Mississippi River
Shovelnose Sturgeon Population Attributes in the Cedar River, Near Mt. Vernon, IA
Sturgeon and Paddlefish Migration: Evidence to Support the Need for Inter-Jurisdictional Management
Elucidating the Mechanisms of Juvenile Fish Recruitment in the Middle Mississippi River
Big River Fisheries in the ‘Scapes'
Cooperative Fisheries Research and Management in Missouri's Big Rivers