Cooperative Fisheries Research in Marine and Freshwater Systems: From Policy to Practice Session I (Symposium)

Monday, August 22, 2016: 9:40 AM-5:00 PM
Chouteau B (Sheraton at Crown Center)
Cooperative research between scientists and stakeholders is a time-tested model that has gained additional traction through formalized policy by fishery agencies and the emerging trend of citizen science initiatives. The benefits are many. Stakeholder-scientist networks have the capacity to leverage limited funds and produce information that surpasses independent academic efforts. Stakeholders typically have innate and historical knowledge of resource availability and environmental patterns, as well as readily available infrastructure and a "boots on the ground" capacity to mobilize research or monitoring programs. Inclusion of stakeholders in the data collection process encourages trust in the regulatory and management process. Cooperative research encompasses a huge spectrum of possibilities across marine and freshwater fisheries. Although marine and freshwater systems are fundamentally different, there are also commonalities, and as initiatives shift from traditional “pay-for-hire” models to true transdisciplinary science, there is great potential for these groups to learn from each other.  This symposium invites speakers to discuss these issues through reviews of established case studies or emerging cooperative fishery research approaches from either marine or freshwater ecosystems.  The goals for this symposium include i.) to highlight cooperative fisheries research in marine and freshwater systems, ii.) to provide examples where administrative policies have promoted the scope of cooperative research, or where the research itself has influenced management policy, and iii.) to create a forum to discuss lessons learned – what works (and why)?
Richard S. McBride, Nick Trippel, Angela Collins, Chris Bradshaw, Kim Bonvechio and Dave Herzog
Angela Collins, Richard S. McBride and Nick Trippel
Angela Collins, Richard S. McBride, Nick Trippel, Quinton Phelps and Dave Herzog
9:40 AM
A Framework for Cooperative Research and Management Richard S. McBride, National Marine Fisheries Service; Angela Collins, University of Florida IFAS Extension; Dave Herzog, Missouri Department of Conservation; Quinton Phelps, Missouri Department of Conservation; Nick Trippel, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
10:00 AM
Cooperative Research at the Northwest Fisheries Science Center: Improving Fisheries Management through Scientific Partnerships Keith L. Bosley, NOAA Fisheries, Northwest Fisheries Science Center; Kelly S. Andrews, NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center; John Harms, NOAA Fisheries, Northwest Fisheries Science Center; Peter Lawson, NMFS
10:20 AM
Cooperative Research in the Gulf of Mexico, Providing Data for Stock Assessments Linda Lombardi, NOAA Fisheries; Gary R Fitzhugh, NOAA Fisheries; Beverly K. Barnett, NOAA Fisheries; Guy Davenport, NOAA Fisheries
10:40 AM
Cooperative Fisheries Research and Management in Missouri's Big Rivers Dave Herzog, Missouri Department of Conservation; Sara Tripp, Missouri Department of Conservation; David Ostendorf, Missouri Department of Conservation; Molly Sobotka, Missouri Department of Conservation; John West, Missouri Department of Conservation; Quinton Phelps, Missouri Department of Conservation; Frank Nelson, Missouri Department of Conservation
11:00 AM
50 Years of Collaboration: The National Marine Fisheries Service Cooperative Shark Tagging Program Brian Gervelis, Integrated Statistics, NOAA/NMFS/NEFSC; Nancy Kohler, NOAA/NMFS/NEFSC; Camilla T. McCandless, NOAA/NMFS/NEFSC; Lisa Natanson, NOAA/NMFS/NEFSC; John Hoey, NOAA/NMFS/NEFSC
11:20 AM
The Importance of Stakeholder Collaboration to Marine Fisheries Research in Mississippi Jeremy M. Higgs, The University of Southern Mississippi; Jill M. Hendon, The University of Southern Mississippi; James S. Franks, The University of Southern Mississippi; Eric R. Hoffmayer, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; J. Read Hendon, The University of Southern Mississippi; Andrew N. Evans, The University of Southern Mississippi
11:40 AM
Monday Lunch Break
1:00 PM
Collaborative Is the New Cooperative: An Example from Cod Spawning Research in the Gulf of Maine Christopher McGuire, The Nature Conservancy; Douglas Zemeckis, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth; Frank Mirarchi, F/V Barbara L. Peters; William Hoffman, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries; Steven X. Cadrin, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth; Micah Dean, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries; Sofie van Parijs, NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center; Mark Baumgartner, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
1:20 PM
Using Socio-Economic and Fisheries Involvement Indices to Understand Alaska Fishing Community Well-Being Stephen Kasperski, National Marine Fisheries Service; Amber Himes-Cornell, Université de Bretagne Occidentale
1:40 PM
The Great Lakes to Gulf Observatory – Facilitating the Progression of Data to Knowledge to Policy Edward Kratschmer, Lewis and Clark Community College; John Sloan, Lewis and Clark Community College; William Kruidenier, University of Illinois; Richard Warner, University of Illinois; Jong Lee, University of Illinois; Johnathan Brock Angelo, University of Illinois; Marcus Slavenas, University of Illinois; Brian Miller, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant; Isaac Chapman, The Horinko Group
2:00 PM
Collaboration to Address Community Change: The Bass-Walleye Project in Wisconsin Daniel Isermann, U.S. Geological Survey, Wisconsin Cooperative Fisheries Research Unit; Steve Carpenter, University of Wisconsin; Jonathan Hansen, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; Gretchen Hansen, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; Tyler Tunney, University of Wisconsin; Eric Pedersen, University of Wisconsin; M. Jake Vander Zanden, University of Wisconsin; Andrew Rypel, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; Greg G. Sass, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; Joseph Hennessy, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
2:20 PM
Estimation of Survival and Run Timing of Adult Spring/Summer Chinook Salmon from the Columbia River Estuary to Bonneville Dam: A Cooperative Effort Between NOAA Fisheries and Columbia River Commercial Fishermen Michelle Rub, NOAA/NMFS/NWFSC; Benjamin P. Sandford, NOAA/NMFS/NWFSC; Donald M. Van Doornik, NOAA/NMFS/NWFSC; Brian J. Burke, NOAA/NMFS/NWFSC; Kinsey Frick, NOAA/NMFS/NWFSC; Mark Sorel, NOAA/NMFS/NWFSC; Matthew Nesbit, NOAA/NMFS/NWFSC; Samuel Rambo, NOAA/NMFS/NWFSC
2:40 PM
Integrating Fishermen's Knowledge with Empirical Data: The Case of Cod (Gadus morhua) Spawning Groups and Alosines Edward Ames, Penobscot East Resource Center; Sally Sherman, Maine Department of Marine Resources
3:00 PM
Monday Afternoon Break
3:20 PM
The Eel Passage Research Center: Bi-National Collaboration at the Interface of Research, Resource Management, and Regulatory Compliance Paul T. Jacobson, Electric Power Research Institute; Scott Ault, Kleinschmidt Associates, Inc.; Jean Caumartin, Hydro-Québec; Jeff Gerlach, New York Power Authority; Daniel Hatin, Quebec Ministry of Forests, Wildlife and Parks; Steve LaPan, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation; Benjamin Lenz, New York Power Authority; Alastair Mathers, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources; Tracy Maynard, Kleinschmidt; Steve Patch, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service; Thomas Pratt, Fisheries and Oceans Canada; John Sanna, Ontario Power Generation; Scott Schlueter, United States Fish and Wildlife Service; David Stanley, Ontario Power Generation; Alan Stuart, Duke Energy Carolinas LLC
3:40 PM
"the Influence of a Cooperatively Developed Portside Sampling and Bycatch Communication Program on Fisheries Management Policies” Bradley Schondelmeier, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries; N.David Bethoney, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth; William Hoffman, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries
4:00 PM
Cooperative Research to Evaluate and Improve a Potential Incidental Catch Reduction Strategy Sara Turner, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries; Jonathan Hare, NOAA/NMFS/NEFSC; John Manderson, NOAA Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Science Center; John Hoey, NOAA/NMFS/NEFSC; David Richardson, NOAA/NMFS/NEFSC
4:20 PM
Using Collaborative Research to Better Manage the Nova Scotian Sea Cucumber Resource N.David Bethoney, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth; Kevin D.E. Stokesbury, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth; Mark Lundy, Ocean Pride Fisheries
4:40 PM
NOAA Fisheries Cooperative Research Program Mark Chandler, National Marine Fisheries Service
See more of: Symposium Entries