Managing Centrarchid Fisheries in Rivers and Streams Session I (Symposium)

Tuesday, August 23, 2016: 9:40 AM-5:00 PM
New York B (Sheraton at Crown Center)
Centrarchids remain a popular group of fishes among North American freshwater anglers.  Although much of the angling effort targeting centrarchids occurs on ponds, lakes, and reservoirs, a substantial and increasing amount of angling effort targeting black bass Micropterus spp. and rock bass Ambloplites spp. occurs on rivers and streams.  Increased interest in stream fisheries among anglers has prompted additional work aimed at a better understanding of these dynamic fisheries.  Management opportunities vary by species and also vary depending on the ecoregions they occupy; this symposium will provide an opportunity for managers and researchers to share their experiences related to the management of these important fisheries.
Robert Humston, Michael Siepker, Christopher Middaugh and Amy Cottell
Michael Siepker and Jeffrey Quinn
Michael Siepker
9:40 AM
A Transition of Management Strategies for Native Riverine Black Bass Species Vance Crain, SARP - Southeast Aquatic Resource Partnership
10:20 AM
Evaluating the Status and Trends of Smallmouth Bass Populations in Michigan Streams and Rivers Jan-Michael Hessenauer, Michigan Department of Natural Resources; Todd Wills, Michigan Department of Natural Resources; Kevin Wehrly, Michigan Department of Natural Resources
10:40 AM
Assessing Smallmouth Bass Trophic Position in a Hierarchical River Network Using Stable Isotope Methods Oliver Nettere, Washington and Lee University; William Hamilton, Washington and Lee University; Ryan Woodland, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science; Robert Humston, Washington and Lee University
11:00 AM
Population Characteristics, Connectivity and Recruitment Sources of Spotted Bass in Southern Illinois Streams Nicholas Abell, Southern Illinois University; Devon C. Oliver, Southern Illinois University; Neil P. Rude, Southern Illinois University; Gregory Whitledge, Southern Illinois University
11:20 AM
Population and Life-History Characteristics of Two Black Bass Species in the Flint River System, Georgia Steven Sammons, Auburn University; Travis Ingram, Georgia Department of Natural Resources; John Kilpatrick, Georgia Department of Natural Resources
11:40 AM
Tuesday Lunch Break
1:00 PM
Using Species Distribution Models to Infer Potential and Restricted Ranges of a Fluvial-Specialist Black Bass Species Andrew T. Taylor, Oklahoma State University; James M. Long, U.S. Geological Survey
1:20 PM
Genetic Relationships of Largemouth Bass from Different Habitats within Coastal Rivers of Northwest Florida Matthew Wegener, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission; Brandon Barthel, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
1:40 PM
Life History Information of Choctaw Bass Micropterus Haiaka, a Newly Described Species of Black Bass Katie Woodside, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission; Matthew Wegener, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission; Neil Branson, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission; Chris Paxton, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission
2:00 PM
Analysis of Factors Influencing Rock Bass Population Dynamics in an Ozark Border Stream Joshua G. Ward, Missouri Department of Conservation; Craig P. Paukert, USGS Missouri Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
2:20 PM
Recovery of River Herring Alosa Spp. Influences Smallmouth Bass Micropterus Dolomieu Diet and Growth in the Penobscot River, Maine Jonathan Watson, University of Maine; Stephen Coghlan Jr., University of Maine; Joseph Zydlewski, U.S. Geological Survey, Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
2:40 PM
Long-Term Fish Community Response to a Reach-Scale Stream Restoration Patrick Shirey, University of Notre Dame; Michael Brueseke, University of Notre Dame; Jillian Kenny, University of Notre Dame; Gary Lamberti, University of Notre Dame
3:00 PM
Tuesday Afternoon Break
3:20 PM
A Multifaceted Approach to Guadalupe Bass (Micropterus treculii) Restoration in a Texas Hill Country River Stephan Magnelia, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department; Gordon Linam, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department; Ryan McGillicuddy, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department; Ken Saunders, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department; Dijar Lutz-Carillo, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department; Melissa Parker, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department; Rachael Ranft, The Nature Conservancy
3:40 PM
Reintroduction of the Extirpated Guadalupe Bass into a Newly Restored Reach of the Upper San Antonio River, Texas Christopher Vaughn, San Antonio River Authority; Shaun Donovan, San Antonio River Authority
4:00 PM
Success, Failure, or Somewhere in Between: Assessing Genetic Restoration of an Endemic Black Bass Population Paul Fleming, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department; Nate Smith, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
See more of: Symposium Entries