Coupled Interactions between Natural and Human Systems – On the Interplay between Aquatic Ecosystem Health, Human Behavior and Decision-Making, and Aquatic Invasive Species (Symposium)

Wednesday, August 24, 2016: 9:40 AM-3:00 PM
Atlanta (Sheraton at Crown Center)
The interdependence between healthy aquatic ecosystems and human social, economic and cultural benefits is well recognized, and is increasingly the focus of interdisciplinary research efforts.  Research to date suggests a more detailed understanding of these interactions is necessary to maximize the benefits of ecosystem management and to more effectively address inevitable trade-offs among ecosystem services, economic benefits and human and ecosystem health.  We are particularly interested in addressing these questions in the context of aquatic invasive species, a topic that has become increasingly salient among lay and expert audiences alike.  To initiate more interdisciplinary research on this topic, we propose a symposium to allow for dialogue and interaction among researchers from a variety of disciplinary perspectives and with an interest in understanding the impact of invasive species on aquatic ecosystems and related social systems, including fisheries, tourism and recreation, economic impacts and policy implications, and risk perceptions, behavior and decision-making.  We hope that new research collaborations will emerge to allow for a better understand the interactions between aquatic ecosystems and human society, including the nature and outcomes of these interactions, the specific stakeholder and ecosystem components involved, and how these interactions affect the long-term health and sustainability of coupled natural and human systems.
Hongyan Zhang and Doran M. Mason
Hongyan Zhang, Victoria Campbell-Arvai, Doran M. Mason and Edward S. Rutherford
10:00 AM
Ecosystem and Fisheries Impacts of Asian Carp on Lake Michigan - the Atlantis Ecosystem Model Approach Hongyan Zhang, University of Michigan; Edward S. Rutherford, NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory; Doran M. Mason, NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory; Lori Ivan, Michigan State University; Victoria Campbell-Arvai, University of Michigan; Dmitry Beletsky, University of Michigan; Michael Hoff, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Elizabeth Fulton, CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere Flagship (Hobart)
10:20 AM
Exploring the Tensions Challenging Asian Carp Management: The Role of Social and Scientific Uncertainty Adam Kokotovich, University of Minnesota; David Andow, University of Minnesota
10:40 AM
Property Owners' Willingness to Accept Natural Shoreline Conservation Programs on Their Inland Lake Properties in Michigan Joel Nohner, Michigan State University; Frank Lupi, Michigan State University; William W. Taylor, Michigan State University
11:00 AM
A New Process-Based System-Wide Model for Policy Exploration and Optimization Steven Saul, Ocean Conservancy; Richard Bailey, University of Oxford; Ernesto Carrella, University of Oxford; Matthew Burgess, University of California Santa Barbara; Chris Dorsett, Ocean Conservancy; Michaela Clemence, University of California Santa Barbara; Sharon Wilcox, Ocean Conservancy; Reniel Cabral, University of California Santa Barbara; Mike Drexler, Ocean Conservancy; Robert Axtell, George Mason University; Brandon Owashi, University of California Santa Barbara; Christopher Costello, University of California Santa Barbara; Steven Gaines, University of California Santa Barbara; Andreas Merkl, Ocean Conservancy
11:20 AM
Livelihood Interventions As Conservation Tools in Harvested Predator-Prey Systems Micah Cameron-Harp, Arizona State University; Leah Gerber, Arizona State University; Joshua Abbott, Arizona State University; John Anderies, Arizona State University
11:40 AM
Wednesday Lunch Break
1:00 PM
Farming an Invasive Species: Challenges and Benefits of Rapidly Expanding Cage Aquaculture in Lake Victoria Sarah Glaser, One Earth Future Foundation; Les Kaufman, Boston University and Conservation International; Paige Roberts, One Earth Future Foundation
1:40 PM
Coevolutionary Patterns of the VHS-IVb Fish Virus: Still in the Great Lakes and Mutating! Carol A. Stepien, The University of Toledo; Matthew Snyder, University of Toledo; Devon Eddins, University of Toledo
2:00 PM
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation and Yellow Perch Population Collapse in Lake St. Pierre (St. Lawrence River): A Thirty-Year Tale of Fish Community Evolution Matteo Giacomazzo, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 3351 Boul. des Forges, CP 500 / Research Centre for Watershed - Aquatic Ecosystem Interactions; Andrea Bertolo, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 3351 Boul. des Forges, CP 500 / Research Centre for Watershed - Aquatic Ecosystem Interactions; Philippe Brodeur, Direction de la gestion de la faune Mauricie – Centre-du-Quebec Ministere des Forets, de la Faune et des Parcs, 100, rue Laviolette, bureau 207; Philippe Massicotte, Aarhus University, Frederiksborgvej 399; Pierre Magnan, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 3351 Boul. des Forges, CP 500 / Research Centre for Watershed - Aquatic Ecosystem Interactions
2:20 PM
Identifying Land-Lake Linkages for Fish Communities in Nearshore Zones of Lake Erie Martin Simonson, University of Toledo; Kristin Arend, Ohio Department of Natural Resources; Christine M. Mayer, University of Toledo; Song Qian, University of Toledo; Eric Weimer, Ohio Department of Natural Resources
See more of: Symposium Entries