Translating Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Science into Fishery Management Decisions (Symposium)

Monday, August 22, 2016: 2:20 PM-5:00 PM
Van Horn B (Sheraton at Crown Center)
There are ever-increasing demands being placed on marine habitats across many sectors of the U.S. economy. Since 1996, NOAA Fisheries and the Fishery Management Councils have used the essential fish habitat (EFH) authorities of the Magnuson-Stevens Act to protect more than 800 million acres of habitat, supporting efforts to rebuild federally managed stocks, create jobs, and increase economic activity. More robust and comprehensive habitat assessments are needed to improve EFH identification and conservation. While the use of best available science will result in the most comprehensive management strategies, ensuring that this information is accessible to managers is often difficult.

Although the importance of habitat is widely recognized, the ability to assess its impacts upon resource productivity, and directly translate this information into effective management, is still in its early stages. To more holistically manage national living marine resources, achieve sustainable fisheries, and meet the mandates of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, it is imperative that the most comprehensive habitat science be incorporated into managerial frameworks. Included in this symposium will be presentations illustrating the links between habitat assessments and their applications towards improving decision making by habitat and fisheries managers. Research promoting an increased understanding of habitat use by fisheries species, as applied to effectively designating EFH, and enhanced habitat conservation and management as a result of advances in habitat science will be highlighted. Ultimately, improved understanding of habitat dynamics provides critical information to managers on the current status and future trends of habitats that are utilized by fisheries species. To continue ensuring scientifically sound management of habitats, and their dependent resources, this symposium provides the opportunity to share key elements that enable habitat science to be translated into successful management actions. We additionally welcome co-presentations with both science and management perspectives.

Anthony R. Marshak and Lauren Latchford
Lauren Latchford, Anthony R. Marshak, Christopher Meaney, Terra Lederhouse and Kirsten Larsen
2:20 PM
Looking Ahead for Habitat Assessments in NOAA Fisheries Stephen Brown, NOAA Fisheries; Kirsten Larsen, NOAA Fisheries; Tony Marshak, ECS, Inc., in support of NOAA Fisheries
2:40 PM
Revising the Essential Fish Habitat Conservation Areas of the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan John Stadler, National Marine Fisheries Service; W. Waldo Wakefield, NOAA Fisheries Northwest Fisheries Science Center; Kerry Griffin, Pacific Fishery Management Council; Curt Whitmire, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service; Allison Bailey, Sound GIS
3:00 PM
Monday Afternoon Break
3:20 PM
Using Acoustic Telemetry to Map Atlantic Cod Spawning Activity and Inform Fishery Management in the Gulf of Maine Douglas Zemeckis, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth; Micah Dean, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries; William Hoffman, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries; Christopher McGuire, The Nature Conservancy; Nicholas Buchan, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries; Steven X. Cadrin, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
3:40 PM
Exploring Essential Fish Habitat Delineation for Atlantic Highly Migratory Species – Methods, Challenges, and Future Research Needs Jennifer Cudney, NOAA Fisheries; Peter Cooper, NOAA Fisheries; Craig Cockrell, NOAA Fisheries; Randy Blankinship, NOAA Fisheries
4:00 PM
Assessing Essential Fish Habitat for a Marine Pelagic Fish Stephen Brandt, Oregon State University; Cynthia Sellinger, Oregon State University
See more of: Symposium Entries